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¡¡Good game!!

I really like it.  I can't wait to see how far the game /story will go.


Thanks Dantalion! 😁


Very interesting, and in a good way. Very enjoyable, and I can't wait to see where the game goes from here.

Thanks Fondezer! 😁


Good stuf

Thanks Skikaka! 😁


Imma be honest- I didnt have high expectations at all for this game, but I do love it when im proven wrong cause WOW this was something else. Im pleasantly surprised on how much I enjoyed it.  Just finished the public build all on in all in one sitting (but that maybe cause I skipped all the hetero stuff). There was definitety some characters that rubbed me the wrong way (no offense maestro but im looking at you, and this from a guy who actually likes the new Cole so i cant say much can i), but still i loved it. Cant wait for more updates, and WOW  cant express how much i love it.

Thanks Gene! 😍 Hehe - even without hetero that's a pretty long sitting, I'm glad it kept you engaged! Yes, the characters are a mixed bag (I like them all, but I know some are love-hate - including Cole & HanZi). I try and let them run with their personalities, even the bad sides!


Well I definitely enjoyed it. Kinda debating with myself if i wanna replay my favourite parts or not already, not even a day after I finished. And thats one of the best compliments I can give

😁 That is a good compliment!


do you have any tips for people who want to start making games like this and making money off of them?


Hey Silkisoft!

Yes - make sure there's a good story, that each character has their own personality, and that the sex is integrated into the story. Give players a good amount of choices so that they can control gameplay. Only release when you've already made a substantial amount of the game [2-3 updates worth of SpaceCorps is a good start - your first release will set the tone for the future and get eyes on your game]. Always engage with players - you are building a community as well as making a game, and they will alert you to any bugs and give you invaluable advice and feedback [players are literally your greatest asset].

For making money you may want to avoid some of the choices I made. Don't have as many kinks and characters as I do, the most successful games have vanilla sex + 1 or 2 kinks and only a couple of branches. My way adds a lot of extra work, and means fans will not always get what they want in each update. Disregard this if - like me - the plethora of options is part of your vision!

Most of all, be aware that making a game is a huge amount of work - you can expect to devote 10 hours a day, 7 days a week to it. You can still make games in less time, but you will generally not make much money from these.


did you self educate yourself on how to code and stuff? I have great story ideas but I just get so lost when it comes to coding/scripts/3drendering. :(

I did. I've never been very good with computers, but I started practicing about a year before I released the game. It was a struggle, but ren'py and Daz3D are quite intuitive [even for a n00b like me!]. I found it helpful to read through other dev's scripts to get a sense of what was going on - you can find mine  [unencrypted] in the scripts folder if you want to take a look... though I warn you that it's very messy code! 😂

Has anyone got this to work with the itch launcher? Or can the author please make it compatible? It is so much easier keeping up with all the games I'm following on itch with the launcher.

Unfortunately, the game is very large [around 3GB] - which I think is a problem for the itch launcher because I can't upload it directly to itch itself. If anyone knows anything more about how I could do this, please let me know!


Hi ranliii :)

I finished this New update and i loved... because ik in love with sam and fatima, i love your game and your creativit @.@ i love everything in this game and for me is the best game i ever seen in this "site" 🥰🥰🥰🥰 im just waiting for The next update kk

Kisses from brasil 😋🇧🇷


😍 kisses back to Brazil!

Thanks, Math, really pleased you enjoyed it so much, and plenty more to come!


Glad to see another update to this very funny game Protip press V on the keyboard for extra laughs listening to a TTS attempt this scripts and succeed is hilairios

I am going to try that 😂 With the amount of vernacular and made up words, I’d fully expect the TTS to explode.


the download link says not avalible for mac

Fixed now, gbee!


The game is awesome. Waiting for more :)


Thanks Ava!


When is the next update was gonna come out? Also great game

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks, Silki! It’s still on Early Release for Patrons right now... but not long!

Can someone please help me out? I tried downloading the game but it goes straight to my citra and idk if that's normal, when I tried opening it, it says my ROM is not supported and stuffs. I'm not an expert to this stuffs XD I'm used to extracting zip files. Please help me out :<

I don’t really know anything about Android (someone else ports the game for me). Pretty sure it shouldn’t go to citra, tho... isn’t that a Nintendo emulator?


hi! I really like your game!!😁. I was wondering when the public version for the next update comes out?


Thanks, nikstar! 😁 It’s currently on Early Release for Patrons, but it should be public soon!

Is there a way to play the game where I don't have to look at girls at all just all male? Like a mirror-verse but still rooted in this sex-free sci fi future?

Hey, Wallow! You can avoid all sex with girls, but no way of avoiding female nudity [its the same for str8 players, no way not to see naked guys]. If you have no girls in your Stable, you'll be cutting down the amount you them quite a bit.

Hey do you have a Discord server for this game ?

I do. It’s a Patron perk, rather than a public one, tho 🙂


🎄 Merry Xmas, itch!🎄 

I was going to add some cards, but the file size is bigger than itch allows! You can find them here though!

Have a great day 😁

I've tried downloading this game so many times and it's not because of any settings. I've played it on my phone before but can't install it on my pc.

Have you managed to fully download it, or are you getting any messages during the process? 

If you have, what happens when you click the SpaceCorpsXXX(v0.3.4a).exe?

I always fully download the game but then it says failed due to network error


Hmmm... Doesn't sound like it's to do with the game then - must be your network, perhaps adult content settings or local laws?

PS: Merry Xmas! 🎄


I want to congratulate RanliLabz. The game has quality, I would say it's remarkable. 

The writing and decisions make their way so the player doesn't feel that their choices are worthless, even for the events that always need to happen. Surprisingly for a NSFW VN, sex here seems to make sense. Although some people get annoyed by the MC's naiveness and lack of intelligence, that works very well for the story progress and contribute for humour that is set from the beginning.

The '3D' scenes are well made and are consistent throughout the game. The concept of "content enabled/disabled" and "choose your sexuality path" are also very ambitious, but incredible. The references and sound/music usage are excellent. I can't imagine the work that is needed to get all of these together.

If the MC had body hair, I would frame this game and hang in my bedroom's wall, unfortunately, [spoiler alert] the opposite happens by the end, but hey, we can't have everything ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯. Anyways, 5/5.


Wow! Thanks regina 😁 Your kind words are very much appreciated, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game so much!


I really like playing this game, especially the funny storylines and ridiculous songs. Mc is a bit stupid but in a funny way. I am still new here but can not stop falling in love with all the characters. I was wondering what would happen if I did not choose to have a primary love in the 0.3.3 update? Can I choose a different character other than the cadet?


Thanks Void! 😍 Your kind words are much appreciated. There are no current PLI alternatives, and won't be for a long time. Unless you really don't like the choices, I suggest you pick one for the additional content it brings - you'll be able to change later on when a new batch is offered 😀


I DIED at the tumbleweed, Ranli. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even continue for a bit. Wonderful update as always! Some awesome new sound design moments, too. I have a feeling I'm going to just keep juggling more and more save files as we go on, though. XD

Thanks riotous! 😁 Much appreciated! (also glad to hear it mentioned... making the tumbleweed asset was really hard 😂)

(3 edits) (+3)

Ok, finished the newest update. Yes, the smile from Cole at the end. <3

Also...I hate you for the whole titanicish scene. *hides face and dies from cringe and embarrassment* How does this game manage to make me cringe so much, yet love it? I'll forgive you, but god that was painfully cheesy. xD

Now I'm off to simultaneously gush over my weird love for Cole, and die from cringe overload. (I'm really not mad at you. Its part of this game's charm, so don't change. But oh god, that was borderline... xD)

Also, couldn't help but notice when MC is recovering on his knees after being knocked out by the Sarge, that while everyone is paying attention to the Nurse and Sarge...Cole is just staring at MC's arse with the biggest smile. 


😂 Any good spoof requires cheesy cringe. If this was made 10 years ago, you'd be seeing the pottery scene from Ghost...


Scrub that... you'll be seeing the pottery scene from Ghost now 🤣 I hope it doesn't finish you off.

Glad you liked Cole's smile (and noticed some of the glances he's given MC throughout when noone else is watching 😉) You'll be getting the chance for a little one-on-one with him in the next update 😁

(2 edits) (+2)

Thank you so much, by the way. I understand for some, including m/m or f/f content is beyond their comfort level, but you've not only done that but also gone beyond in making it just as good as the m/f. I'm really amazed by your open-mindedness with this game. I'm a huge m/m fan, so I've definitely enjoyed the bits so far. (Hanzi and Cole being my utmost faves.) So if its not actually your thing, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your dedication and sacrifice.

And yes...its not a good cheese or a good pun if you don't cringe hard from it.

Pls don't include a ghost pottery scene...for the sake of all our sanity. xP


😁 Well, I guess my sexuality could be defined as open-minded 😂 I enjoy both f/m and m/m content, so no hardship is involved, and I've enjoyed making every single scene!

HanZi and Cole are an interesting combo of faves - it looks like you go for the male characters with more 'edge'. Although HanZi's not the most popular character, he's absolutely one of the most enjoyable to write... once you've got an ultra-camp German on set, the jokes flow easily 😁 I'm looking forward to doing his [rather dark] backstory in the future.

(3 edits) (+3)

What!? Who could hate Hanzi? Usually I don't like camp characters, but you did amazing on him. He's just so FABULOUS. xD

I think I enjoy funny characters, best friends, rivals, and grumpy hearts-of-gold most. Hanzi was pretty edgy, I guess, but he was just so amusing. Then there's my grumpy little Cole. You know you want little tsundere. /shot for being a weeb

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't actually think I'd be into this since I don't like steamy alien stuff, but being able to opt out of stuff you're not into is great and I finished my first playthrough. Can't wait for more updates!


Thanks ninja 😁 Yeah - choice is my thing. Plenty more to come!


The new update was really cool, I hope there are new male characters.


Thanks Bruno! There will be more male characters, although the next few updates will concentrate on the existing characters and fleshing them out a bit :D

Deleted 2 years ago

You'll need an extractor (WinRar is free). Once you have it, just right click the file, click extract here, and you're ready to go 😀


I think a bunch of sites have been blocked. Even with a VPN I can't open my own links on itch (although I can on other sites). You can download the current version free from my patreon:


Thank you, though I found another place to download it, lol. By the way, after not choosing someone, it says "to be continued". Where's the zombie uprising? Is the nun the only new character? Where are the new locations?


Glad to hear it! The Zombie scene (and one of the locations) is only available if you played the Cis blowjob scene; the nun is the only new named character (tho quite a few background characters appear in this one!); and the main new location is the Cabin Foyer at the end (although you see a few location previews in the nun scene).

At the end of all the scenes it goes to the 'to be continued scene' :) - choosing none of them as PLIs ends the update.

(1 edit) (+3)

Thanks again. I guess I'll just wait 'til the next update (Ayewyn(?), hopefully you'll be mine in the next update <3)


No Ayewn - but you'll be sticking with the Cadets and getting to know them a little better one-on-one 😉


"File is no longer available". Help, please!


Not sure if mega is down or I've been kicked off it... I'll upload alt versions :)


Something weird is going on - see post above.


Hmm for some reason is saying the file is no longer available. Love this game but has it been taken down?


No idea! I can't seem to get on mega at all. I'll upload some alternatives.

Something weird is going on - see post above.


Can anyone tell me who are the male love interests and how to get to their routes?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey PaleAngel! There's an ingame walkthrough (press 'w' to bring it up) and all gay & bi choices are written in pink. That should help you see the many secondary male relationships you can get.

The walkthrough doesn't extend to this update yet - but you'll find the Primary Love Interest choice right at the end. The male options are Sam and Cole :)


*cough* Uh, Sam and Cole.


Oops! 😂 Fixed that up. Thanks Foelhe!


I quite enjoyed the new 3.3 update, but I've just got a small question:

Is there any new gay content in the update? On your patreon it says that the most content will be seen by those who archive a good ending with the ladies; but not having any real interest in them I kinda enjoy taking the mickey out of them... can that lock me out of any male routs?

Keep up the good work! I hope we might get to see a little more of Sam or Chad the next time around :)


Thanks Luke! Picking f/m content won't lock you out of anything! :) The only new sexual m/m content in 0.3.3 is the Primary Love Interest bit at the end - you should def pick one of the guys there, since whoever you pick will get extra content 😀

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There is not a single scene in which MC gets cucked - and none are planned.


I'd recommend not bothering to reply to comments like that, Ranli... It's just someone being mean to be mean. They're not even giving any constructive feedback, just bashing your hard work (what happened to "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"? Is that void on the internet?)

I admit the MCs stupidity annoys me at times too, but I love the work you're putting into the game and look forward to the updates every time. It just keeps getting better and you even go back over the older parts to enhance those. It's awesome. So few pay attention to the older content in addition to the newer. 


Thanks, Samtoinette! 😁 Much appreciated, and glad you liked the remastering. The difference in quality was finally nagging me too much not to fix it up!

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Why would anyone engage with someone who communicates like this? 


do you know what time the next update will be out?

Should be on Patreon early release in 2/3 days 😀


Is there an estimated release for the public version?

Not yet, Human! Early October, I would think 😃


Big thank you for the very generous donation I just received 😍 It's hugely appreciated!


Hi, I had to write this comment, it's a great game, it's really worth it, and I'm gay and at first I thought the game would be 90% straight, 10% gay, but boom, it didn't come out. . Instead, I have a great gem. Thanks for creating this game. You are worth a prize.

Post: forgive my English, I'm using google translator.

Thanks arls 😁 Much appreciated!


Hello author, sorry for the inconvenience but I forgot to ask if in any future update you would allow to solve the problem of cole XD?


Yes! There will be a number of Cole routes that will allow you to decide your relationship - friend or enemy, submissive or dominant, sissify him or enlarge him, etc. 


author you are too good for this world  :´3

😂 😁 


Yes! Finally, some Cole time. I'm a glutton for submitting to him. =P


Hehe - you'll have fun then ;P


I really freaking love this games, the sex scenes - amazing, the writing - hilarious, the models - hot, and it's ala cart! you can pick and choose what you want! 10/10 would fap to again.

Many thanks, Roijin! 😁 Truly appreciated! Lol - and many more faps to come 😂

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Lol - glad you liked the Take On Me - most players don't even find that bit! Hope your balls are okay 😄

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That scene always stops a few seconds into it for me, so after seeing your comment I looked for it in the game files to see it.

I'm at a loss for words! Haha!


That was the intended reaction 😂

Just as a quick note - thanks to everyone who's donated since my last thank you post - its always appreciated! 😁

I've changed the download links after reports that the google ones were sometimes unavailable. I'm using Nopy - one of the best, safest and fastest downloaders out there.

(3 edits) (+2)

Are there any romanceable buff/bara(bodybuilder-like/muscular) men? Or are all twinks? Also, when will the game be updated? It says last time the game was updated was early November 2019...

(1 edit)

Hey PaleAngel! That's just the awkward way I'm doing links because the game got so big - it's actually been updated every month but one since then 😉

Plenty of romanceable buff and bara - Cole, Lancelot and Constable Aweyn are pretty buff - but Rydick and the Daemon Lloricain are full on muscle daddies 💪🏻 More to come too (you get sneak peeks of some upcoming, including bara Drax if you take the Chad option in the second half of the game 😜)


Is all that patreon content, or public? Because as much as I would love to support you in patreon I can't, having no job and no income... You can guess.. 


All public - there are a few additional sequences for Patreon only scattered throughout (but no full scene is behind a paywall)


That's wonderful! It's a pity when creators go full pay to play... The fact that you're not like that makes me respect you. Keep up the good work! :) 


Cheers PaleAngel 😁

(1 edit) (+3)

as a gay man i was not expecting any gay content in this game or it to be tacky or tasteless but it was not its so good sure its like 60% straight content but its so good. i personally love the mean bully  and his cocky dom attitude and the few options currently to be able to submit to him is everything! i really love this game because of that and i wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as i did! 10/10 because you can be gay and submissive! I cant wait to see more M/M content in the future <3


Many thanks Chris! (and apologies for the late reply). Plenty more m/m to come, and so pleased there's now a full m/m and f/m path.

PS: Cole is so much more popular than I expected! 😁 Much more to come on all his routes - including the submissive one 😉


When do you think the remastered scenes that you didn't get to in 0.3.2a will be out

They're coming for Patrons in the first half of July - for everyone in the last half of July 😀

Ok thx for letting me know👍👍


how do we update the game without losing our save

Hey Lani - you shouldn’t lose your save updating the game... but all the new content is in the opening two scenes :

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