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So just wondering but do you make a decent living off of this game that you make? Like do you make a good amount of money each month to afford what you want and to live. Sorry if this is a little personal. 


I'm a pretty open book, lol.

I make enough on Patreon to do this as my sole job. It's hardly a fortune after all the costs [buying assets, hardware, etc.] - especially when you consider the hours [7 days a week, 10 hours a day, 360 days a year!] That means I'm currently earning something like minimum wage after costs... but with a lot of overtime hours. Enough to live on, even to save a little each month in case my computer explodes under the pressure 😄


Now that the 3.6 Early Access is out, when will it be available to the public?

Hey Andrew! Anyone below LT+ [$15] won't get 0.3.6a [with 6 paths] - they'll be getting 0.3.6b [with all 8 paths]. Still frantically finishing up 0.3.6b [maybe 2 days?] which will go to LT's for 3 days, then cycling down through Sergeants, Ensigns, Cadets and Public on a daily basis.


Need more of my boy Sam 🙏


Hehe - plenty more Sam to come down the line!


Just finished the game and absolutely loved it. Thought I wouldn't love it as much as I did given I don't care much for straight content (lol) but the gay content is amazing. Love tsundere Cole so much and pretty excited to see his where his route goes. Chad is really hot too (as hot as Jared) and I loved the scene with him. Gonna replay this while waiting for the next update. :)


Cheers tenting 😁 Fantastic to hear that you're already up for a replay!


Amazing game! Absolutely loved all of it. The story, the characters, the gallery system, status... Just f***ing incredible!!


😍 Much appreciated, Fap Guy!


Hey love the look of your game. Can't wait to play it but when I download the link for windows it doesn't download a zip file. am I doing something wrong

Thanks Haloxemnas! 😁 The link here should take you to a page that offers you a .rar download from nopy. If you're having problems, you can get it direct from my Patreon page here: RanliLabz is creating SpaceCorps XXX, the Adult Scifi Comedy. Play Straight, Bi or Gay | Patreon


Hey RanliLabz your game is awesome! You put in a lot of work and  effort into the game and it shows! Thanks for the work that you have done on this game it is so much fun


Big thanks, Haloxemnas! 😁


Thank you for existing and making this wonderful game 🥺🥰😔.


🥰 Many thanks, CK!

Жаль русского языка нет😢😢😢😔

Sorry Jack! At some point I'd love to do translations... but it's a tough one!

(3 edits) (+1)

If u want it  i can help with translation in Russian! 😍

Any help is always appreciated! If you're interested, the scripts are all available in the scripts folder of the game, and you could see how you get on with translating the first big scene [medbay01.rpy]? I warn you - it's a pretty big task [lol, my Spanish and French translators bailed before we had anything read to go]. But it would be great to branch out into some other languages!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hahaha, yeah, i see it. 

I'll try my best and text u, when im done that version. 

That would be fantastic 😍 Looking forward to seeing what you've got!


Gay routes?


Very much so 😜


When they get very gay they get very good (Rydick's recruitment is a particular highlight :D )


(1 edit) (+1)

When I download the file, and have to extract the .rar file, there is errors that happen when I extract the file.  It does not allow for certain assets to be extracted from the file. Is there anything I can do to fix this issue?

Hmmm... could be either an interrupted download [in which case try again]; a problem with your extractor [I use WINrar personally];  or an overactive anti-virus [in which case you should make a call as to whether you feel comfortable turning it off to download and extract]. Hopefully you can get it working! 😀


Do you know when v3.6 will be made publically available yet?

It'll be a little longer than usual - Cole has 8 distinct paths, and I've just released the first 6 for my Lieutenant+ Patrons. Finishing off the last 2 routes should take a week or so [they're already mostly done], so I won't issue a public release of the first update those are out +6 days to cycle releases through the Patron ranks. 


Amazing game! This is going to sound weird, but could you add more fetishes? Again, great job, might be my favourite adult game ever.

Thanks Baylor! 😁 Lol - plenty more fetishes to be added [there are a bunch of new kinks coming in the next update, actually!]


Thank you for responding so fast, I'm looking forward to that update! Btw, it's great to see a game where you can be bi without having to be feminized, I've been looking for a game like this for a while.



I've noticed that after a few characters have been successfully added to my stable their files are empty.


Haven't got round to it yet, ScotBear - only the first 4 are fully done and some additional ones are half done. It's not ideal, but I always prioritise the story update over the User Interface stuff... that kind of gets done when I've finished all the other writing and coding and am just waiting for the CGI's I've made to render. It won't require replays when it comes, though - the decisions you've already made have been logged by the game, so when I have time to do it, the info and replays will appear 🙂


That's good to know, thank you!

Just finished playing and enjoying it so far, eagerly awaiting the continuation of the story--so I'll take that over the extras any day.


Many thanks, ScotBear! 😁


I'm so excited for the next update! hope to see it soon! I was expecting a typical straight game full of forced straight options, but I was pleasantly surprised! Amazing game it's like Mass effect but sexy :P

😁 Thanks DnAJG! Hehe, well I try to avoid forced options of all kinds... and I love me some m/m content 😋 [the next update is coming along really well btw!]

At the beginning of the game, it/the Computer asks for a Patreon code? Say we did get the code, what kind of new content would we get if we got it?

Hi Andrew! You get several additional scenes. That includes a lot of extra images in the Wrestling scene, access to Cis' laptop [with some saucy pics of her and Felix], and a full erotic minigame when you find the tablet in the corridor - plus some other bits and bobs. 😀 On my Patreon, you also get a further 5 stand-alone minigames in the SpaceCorps Universe.


Hey. I spent forever trying to find this in the search on Maybe give it more distinctive tags? It's not in the space section of I actually had to Google "space cadet adult visual novel game" and luckily you popped up. I played when the last seen was is in jail with the sexy lioness so I've been looking for you again for a while. Keep up the great work bud!!!

Lol - I did not realise I forgot to add space to the tags! 😂 Thanks for the tip, I'll change that now... and enjoy the rest of the game!


Oh wait, it does have space already! That's weird, wonder why I'm not listed in that section?


The Chad scene shouldn't only be available if we decide not to try to rescue Anna. It should also be able if we escape from Anna. Maybe we could choose where we end up, Sarge's quarters with Chad or wherever the Grokboks are.


Talking to Anna in her bunk shouldn't make her kick us out if it (her attitude) isn't high enough. We should be able to talk to her and get the chance to increase it to allow us the chance to get it high enough if we want.

I'm slightly lowering that one, actually - from 2 to one points to make sure it's possible for all players to see her scene.


There are some scenes missing from the Virtual Stable that should probably be on there. I don’t know if it is some kind of bug or glitch or it is on purpose, but I thought you should know.

Thanks Andrew! Yes - I accidentally integrated some work in progress last update 😳 


The walkthroughs should really have the results/outcomes of each choice like whether they gain point(s) or lose them, so the player can pick the choice that they want and know ahead of time what the outcome would be.


Unfortunately that's too much information to fit on the pages. Best to pick whatever option you feel best expresses yourself [or the type of MC you're roleplaying as].


A skip button should really be added, so we can skip over the parts we don't want to go through, especially if we're playing through it again and don't want to play through certain parts all over again.

Unfortunately, the amount of choices means that's not possible - you'd be cancelling multiple kinks, points, new info, etc; and the storyline would get muddled.

(1 edit) (-2)

There is a slight gameplay issue; in the beginning of the game when everyone is just standing around and our character talks to Sam, the dialogue and choices just keep repeating themselves on a loop. It's really annoying and frustrating to have to go through the same stuff over and over like we're on a time loop. This needs to be limited to just one time and either get right to the next part or choose to wait for the next part. We shouldn’t have to pick an entirely different choice than what we want to finish it.

Hey Andrew - it's vital to get that bit, or you won't find out Safa's name. As long as you look away every time they suspect you're eavesdropping, you'll complete it. If ever in doubt, press 'W' to bring up the Integrated Walkthrough.


Many thanks to all who've recently donated! It's very kind, and really helpful for game development 😍


Ranli... so i love your work at all but, i have a problem, when im trying to update The spacecorpsxxx to 3.5a i had a problem, i dowloaded The file of mega to Android, and when  was updating they just... said like it was going not to install but update... so ok 👍  and when i clicked to install the update they just said "app not instellad" (my english is very bad sorry...) and just dont worked ,., can you help me please


Sorry Mat! I don't make the Android version myself, and I don't really know how Android works. All I can suggest is that it might be a bad download, and to try again.

Hope you can get it fixed!



But thanks for your amazing work and creative mind, good Lucky in this Journey, and you have everything to make +18 games The more popular than everything ,., 

Misses from Brasil 🇧🇷😈😆🙃


Many thanks, Mat!


Came for the porn, stayed for the sillyness, sass, and overall craziness. HanZi's dance number is the best thing I've ever seen in any erotic game xD

Also, Sam's route is friggin' adorable.


Thanks SuperFudanshi! 😁 Lol, yeah - I had a lot of fun with the HanZi scene 😂

Hey there, somehow the game doesn't work anymore on my Mac. It says "not a valied zip file" what does that mean?

That's a bit odd - if works on mine. Are you sure you used the Mac link?

(1 edit)

Same here. The mac file does not download, as Itch warns it is not a valid zip file... :-(

Tried the Mac file on your Patreon, but it doesn't unzip either.

Odd, and thanks for the alert. Try this link: Download - MEGA


Thank you so much, mate! That one did the trick... ;-)

Starting the game right now!

Hi. Is there a Bug? I download the new Update but if I ask to Anna 2 times the Game is over. :-

Hi Benijamin - there's no bug, but if your relationship with anna is too low, she kicks you off her bed before you can talk properly.


Thx. ;-)


This game is really good. I played it and immediately loved it. Skipping through certain parts should really be possible and there was one annoying bug, but other than that, it's great the way it is. I noticed that when HanZi enters the room, there's this bug where it involves the characters moving their mouths and hands, but no dialogue or anything which is really weird. When is the next update going to become available?

Thanks Andrew! 😁 If you play the HanZi scene with the sound on, it's a whole dance number 🕺

Update should be out next month.


Well done on this game on this game RanliLabz!! I took the time to really play it last night and I am elated!!  The walkthrough really helped me out a lot for certain content. The MC is a bit of a nerd but it's cute; I love how he learns about life as he goes about on the daily on the ship. The content is breathtaking; each character has his or her own unique back story.  Hats off to the Rydick scene it was beyond hottttttt!! Long story short: I chose Sam in the end as a love path because I just feel the MC and he has this cute connection, however, I also feel this hidden bond between the MC and Cole but his route is not yet implemented on this patch. All I can say is keep up the amazing work, I've talked with a few people in the cabin once they got their clothes and I'm ever so curious as to how this game will conclude.

Many thanks, Jodie! 😍 Yes, the Rydick scene is one of my personal faves. It will be worth playing through the Cole PLI sequence when it drops next month... you get to make some big choices!


Your Welcome TanliLabz!!! I'm so excited and so eager to play the next sequel next month!!! Keep up the amazing work!!


I've played this game before and I think it is amazing, but the question I'm trying to figure out is there a straightforward walkthrough for the choices we have to make in this game example I failed the match with the buff women, and every time I choose an option it's wrong...

Hey Jodie! There's an integrated walkthrough in game - just press W and you'll see the various route available, with your prior choices highlighted in green. You cannot win the match itself because Sarge is stronger - the 'best ending' [i.e. the most sexual content, labelled Ending 1] is an accidental titwank.


Thanks a million for the swift detailed feedback I am going to play this game tonight!! I'm so excited yeahhhhhhh!!

Hope you have fun! 😁


Who's the bald beefcake with the huge Pecs in the pictures? Damn, he's hot!


That's Rydick - you can choose to be his cellmate if you get thrown in the brig 😋


Can he be romanced? 


Oh, yeah. CBT and maledom included. <3 <3


Are you joking?


It gets a little rough with Rydick, lol - you also get a large m/m only 'Chronicles of Rydick' fantasy segment [he's based on Vin Diesel in Pitch Black]. One of my personal favourite updates.


Is this still available free??? 


Yes! The Public release of v0.3.5a has just been released - I'm adding it to itch now 😀

hello. What update is coming out next? Like who is it centered on?

also i saw that it was the c update but now it’s the a update. Did something happen?

Just changed the numbering to account for it being bigger than originally planned, lol. This one centres on Anna 😀


A very good game with a lot of good story

I love it


Thanks Arandeos! 😁


Good stuff, thanx Rani.


Thanks Hematoma! 😁

How can I download on Android please help me out 😳😳

Hey animefan - use this link for Android: Download - MEGA



Thanks, NoirAngel! 😁


Just sending a big thanks to all those who have donated to SpaceCorps through itch! 😍 It really helps the game, and is much appreciated 😁


This is by far the best VN I have ever played. Before downloading it I thought I wouldn't like it, but I was really surprised by how well done it is and how good the story is. Looking forward to the next updates ❤❤❤


Wow! Thanks, yager! 😍

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