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i can not download for windows.... why?

Love the game - looking forward to 'love interest' content - it seems like nothing has really happened after choosing one. (Also - some interactions don't take LI into consideration and you get inappropriate replies etc.)


Why did you start going through Mega? What's the point in releasing a free game using software that requires you to pay, or wait 6 hours, to finish the download. I tried to sleep and allow the 6 hours to pass, only for the download to completely restart. Personally, I'd recommend abandoning Mega and releasing the game as you did before using such an awful service. It's basically a big screw-over to anyone who wants to continue playing, and simply can't afford a $20 subscription service or spend 6 hours of their day staring at a computer, waiting for a download to finish. Please go about the public release the same way you used to, because Mega is absolute trash that makes it an impossibility to play.

I just don't understand the hatred for MEGA, especially this kind of hatred, since it doesn't cost anyone anything to make the most important parts of this specific complaint disappear; the download restarting instead of resuming, and the need to closely monitor the download.

I use the MEGA Desktop app, and have never had any problems downloading for free. Yes, the transfer limit is there unless you pay, and you need to create an account, but when the waiting period is over, the download resumes where it left off, without any issue and without restarting. And you can queue up several downloads with the desktop app too, and then be ensured they will be downloaded in full.

There are several more features with the desktop app, but suffice it to say that it is the solution to this complaint, for free.

(1 edit) (+2)

I'll admit, if using the desktop app, it actually is a much less inconvenient experience than the browser, but I'm also not really complaining about MEGA, so much as the author's choice in switching to it when the download experience was originally pretty hassle-free and fast. I mean, it was as simple as downloading the file, extracting it, and opening the executable file. Comparatively, MEGA sucks.

(And yes, I'm very appreciative to see that the author did, in fact, revert to the old system in the time I've not used this account. Thank you, Ranli)


Quick menu is not showing on android , I have no way of saving my game. Any workarounds?

(1 edit) (+3)

Game is great and unique, but GDrive as a file sharing website never works for any game (it says too much traffic or something) and Mega stops at 5GB (98%), and you have to wait like 6 hours to finish the remaining 2%.

Edit: managed to download from the second GDrive link on the devs patreon post.

The way to make MEGA work better, is to install their Desktop app. You still have to wait unless you pay, but you won't have to monitor your computer to click the Resume Download six hours later, the app does that for you.

(2 edits)

Problem with the Android version. It states "There was a problem parsing the package."

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

Wow!   I don't mean to be a jerk here but you really need to stop using Mega as the download server for PC.  It downloaded 98% and now I have to pay money to Mega to continue or wait for 5 and a half hours to finish the last 2% of the download.   I really like this story and want to keep playing it but I don't know if I want to wait that long every time I download the newest upgrade and I am not paying Mega anything.

Go to there patreon if you're using pc or mac. They have a public thingy where different links are accessible for free.

You don't have to pay MEGA to make it work better. If you install their Desktop app, you at least won't have to monitor your computer for six hours to be able to resume the download, as their app does it for you.

Sure, it is still a six hour wait period, but I still recommend installing their Desktop app, as it will prevent you from having to restart downloads, which sometimes happen with the Web GUI.


Does anyone know why my game won't run on android? I downloaded it but whenever I try and open the game, it boots me out.

Okay, at some point I started giving Jimmi Tristan's voice from YGOTAS and now I can't stop X)

urgh mega with its 6hr lock on downloads over 5gb curse you .09gb extra now i got to wait forever just to complete the download

It's annoying, lol. The next posts for Day05 will be patches, so smaller uploads.

You can also grab a couple of GDrive links on my Patreon [it's a public post].


The GDrive links are behind a paywall. Have to join Patreon for $1.

Oops! I thought I made that public yesterday 😭

Thank you!


Waiting six hours to be ABSOLUTELY certain the file is downloaded in its entirety, instead of having to restart it a dozen times because there was a network interruption a few minutes before completion is WORTH IT!!

I never have any trouble downloading anything off of MEGA, while GDrive tells me I am not allowed to even access the link half of the time due to heavy traffic, and when I am allowed to access the link, GDrive interrupts the download 75% of the time, forcing me to restart the download several times.

I am on throttled network, and on average, a MEGA-download (over 5Gb) takes a little over six hours, whereas a GDrive-download takes anywhere from 18 to 36 hours due to its instability.

Those who complain about MEGA are those who refuse to use, or don't know about MEGA's desktop app/download manager.


The android version is deleted, why?


I can't download the Andriod version

Same... Ugh I wanna play😔.


so before i try, is there a different method to download via android? I kept seeing comments  about downloading through Mega...

You might as well be asking "What is the absolute worst and most user-hostile way of downloading this game to Android?"

MEGA is one of the best filesharing services available, and certainly better than GDrive. You just need to install their (Android/desktop) app and use that to download from MEGA.


Just finished the first season and (kinda spoilers):

OMG you put the Evil Morty song at the "bad" ending I just couldn't stop laughing LMAO.

😂 Yeah... couldn't resist it, lol.


I love the game but, is there any way to  download it from another source?, Because I can't download it by mega, it says That exceeds my download limit , but everytime I try to download the game from another site, It's always out of date, what can I do to download it ?(android) seems like they have a problem. Can't download on my tablet nor my windows.

You can optimize MEGA by installing their app and using that to download. Yes, you will have to wait for a new 5Gb limit once you've used it, but you will never, ever again, have to worry whether or not the file gets downloaded, or if you can even access the link (looking at you, GDrive)


Download via Google Drive is not working at all. Trying every few days and still cannot download anything.  

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is incredibly exciting. Does anyone knows if when the next part will be updated ?


Thanks Jadawin! The next update should be out on Patreon by the end of the month [so prob on itch around the start of August].


You're awesome. I really appreciate...


Do you still Have a timeframe for when the new update is coming out since it is now  august?

Yes. Patreon Early Release on the 10th 😀

Alright but when is the new release going to be available for on itch?

Does anyone know the password to the laptop in the flashback scene?


I believe you have to be a patreon patron to get that password.


Getting the google this has been downloaded too many times for the last 12 hours every time I've tried to download this one. 


Download just started no problem for me (Windows/Linux version), if there was a problem it was apparently temporary.


I have the same problem. This is for the mac version of the game. Have been coming back over the last few weeks and had the same problem each time.

(1 edit) (+4)

Hey dev, a quick question. 

I play on gay route, so the hetero / bi content in the game is locked away, like some of the missions in Holodeck. But since these missions provide exp points for the different attributes that decide which branch YCH can join in future, would avoiding these missions prevent me from having access to some of the future routes?


Also, is there any chance that we can customize YCH a little in the future? For instance, adding facial hair / tattoo, etc.


Sadly, customisation is out [there all still rendered images, so it would massively add to the work load just for a single custom alteration].

In better news, neither gay nor straight players will suffer in terms of points... both will be able to equalise their experience with bi players at the end of Week 1 [you'll choose largely image-less training packs to get a boost in the stats and XP you're aiming for].


ive tried several times using links from here and patreon to download the game and the file will either fail its download or ill get an error through google drive ive paid $7 so i can try it out.

Install the MEGA (Android/desktop) app and use that to download the game. You will ALWAYS be able to access the link, unlike with GDrive, and once you've started the download, it WILL be downloaded in full, eventually.


So there's no way to download the game on Android? Installation always says "there was a problem parsing the apk".


On so it's not just me


Respectfully, I need more Sam content with his older brother please, like more of just them and more of us with them, but mainly just them. I love the storyline so far and would go crazy for more. Great stuff. /hearteyes


Currently hoping they will add more cute aliens to spend time with.

So I have a issue that I think may be tech related. So I just started a new game and I'm also a patron but an issue that I'm coming across is that once I saved my new game I went to see my stats in the VS and Psych but nothing is apprearing. No unlcoked scenes, no traits or kinks either. Can anyone help me? I have version 2.4.2

For a new game, all your stats are reset to 0 [although your previous save games will keep your original stats]. If you access the stats from the main menu, you'll always see it empty [you have to access from within a savegame to see what you've earned :) ]


Wow I love this game it's got everything including the excellent music selection can't wait to see what you do next


Where is the Google drive for Android?


I was not expecting the music choices, and they were all 100% on-point and amazing lol


Also, I really appreciate the gay/bi content doesn't just seem like it's tacked-on and is on the same level as all the straight content. 


Sadly I have been unable to download the game since yesterday. Google Drive is saying that the game has been downloaded too many times (the quota has been exceeded). I'll keep trying! Super excited for the new update. 

Love your work!


Gonna say here what I said in Eternum, too... You really should consider putting this gem on Steam!

It is a new audience, and a lot of the stuff on Steam in the genre doesn't even rank ankle high compared to this!

For Steam, I can buy Steamcards and don't need a creditcard, I'd buy in a heartbeat... maybe make the patreon stuff a DLC?

And with itch switching up the payments... just saying...

I second this

guys what happened with this? it was shut down? I can't download the game


It looks like there was a problem with the Mega account, but the author reposted it on Google Drive, I just downloaded it with no problems (whew! my favorite game on here!) 

Thx a lot!

Seems like the android file isnt available to download anymore


neither is the windows version. apparently some asshat reported the content and had it taken down...


Is the Cold Case storyline the one that starts in the canteen just before the end of the current build involving that android?

I hope it's not what it appears to be, because I much preferred my previous theory about that character being secreted off to join the 8th Division rather than put into an android's body.

But that body was so fine, there's no way we won't see it return somehow in the future.

It is :)

Stupid question: how do I restart the game on android? Can't seem to figure it out myself. Thanks in advance!


Felix kinda ruined the story for me, only if there was alternate option to remove him


This game is sooo cool and awesome, lovely history, characters, wonderful sex scenes, is one of the best games I've ever played, and the best thing is.


Thanks, resident!

Can you explain how updates work? I have version 2.3.3. How do I update without downloading the entire game? 


You'll have to download the entire game for each update [last time I tried patches caused mass confusion]


I was afraid of that. In that case, how do I access my save files? I am using Linux.


The new download should automatically find your saves. On Windows, they're located outside the package [in Appdata/Roaming/SpaceCorpsXXX]. I'm not sure if it's the same on Linux.


It keeps telling me "There was a problem parsing the package " when i try to install the game, can someone tell me the problem's the third time that i download it too


Same problem


Ok ok I'm Soo excited to try the next update, this game is sooo cool and awesome, lovely history, lovely characters, wonderful sex scenes, is one of the best games I've ever played, and the best thing is, it runs on Android also, love it!


Thanks Candy! 😁

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