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you basically play as Forrest Gump (which gets tiring after awhile) and fuck your way into a bunch of stuff 8/10


Gotta say I love this game so far. MC is such a idiot but he's also a genius in comedy.

Thanks Steelesol 😁

Can you send me the Google drive file? It's the latest.


Hey, Suwan - there was no Google version of this one [just Mega]. There will be for the next one, though!


Thank you for saying that! MEGA always crashes my laptop whenever I try to download anything!

(1 edit) (+3)

I love everything about this, but i mostly love it when he denies his gayness lol

Thanks Casey! He is still in some denial, lol 😂


Cool game, I just wish here was a way to actually opt out of sexual interactions with some characters, like the one that's clearly meant to be your sister. It feels like the game asks you about a dozen times if you realy REALLY want any same sex content but what's clearly meant to be incest is almost impossible to avoid. I don't necessarily mind consent issues, it's that type of game,  just wish that the 'customizable' relationship you're supposed to have with 'Cis' was less obviously meant to be familial.

Hye, Bott0 - you can opt out of sexual interaction with any character [it's possible to play the whole game without having any sexual interactions!] You'll see your rejected characters greyed out in the Virtual Stable.

The customisable relationship with Cis allows you to give her any name, and any relationship to you you'd like [One player went for 'landscape gardener', and assure me that it makes them chuckle every time they play 😂] The default for Cis is 'ex-roomie'.

(1 edit) (+4)

Hey Rani! Thanks so much for replying, I really appreciate the amount of work you put into this and it's an amazing game. 

As far as your comment, as I said, I see your point, technically my relationship with her is that she's my 'samba instructor' so I understand the customization. The issue I found is that even after you change her name and your technical relationship, the framing of your interactions with her still makes constant references to familal themes - the way in which she talks about your mother and your cousin and even when you get the chance to skip scenes, the game phrases it like "she's your *insert relationship*, you can't think about her that way".  Other characters also refer to it in the same terms ("can't do that/be naked in front of your *insert relationhip*") and, don't get me wrong, as kinky as some roommate fantasies can get, I think the game makes it clear what the actual taboo here is. Also, I should have specified 'sexualised' rather than sexual interactions in my first post.

As I said, it's not a big issue, I really enjoyed the game and the amount of effort you put into it. Plus, I haven't seen anyone else mention it, so it may just be me, I find those types of references particularly uncomfortable and I just wish the framing was less obvious. That doesn't detract from how funny and well thought out everything is. Massive well done for all your work and thanks again for your reply. I honestly didn't expect you to even see it, I was just sharing a random opinion I had whilst playing. I'm not expecting any particular games to cater to my tastes and, as mentioned, I'm obviously in the minority here, please don't take what I said as criticism or discouragement, your work is funny, inclusive and really thoughtful, all of them rare and well appreciated qualities.


I love the game but I can't get it to load. I have a Mac

I've had some similar reports [all on newer Mac's as far as I'm aware] and am working on the issue. Should be fixed for the next bug-fixed release [prob next week] 🙂


thank you, looking forward to playing it 

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi Ranli, you have a very fun and amazing game so far. i can't wait to see saison 2 (training and mission oh yeah baby !!) coming but alas i'm always stuck with cys in his bunk when i got to talk about her pictured wall and ours mommy... i've hoped this 3.7.a version solve the probleme but no i try many thing to unblock the scene but nothing hapened still stuck... :'(

and sorry for my bad english/grammar, good night man 

A few people have got stuck there. The screen is inviting you to enter a name for her, and then your relationship to her [just type it in!] Alternatively, press return, and you'll get the default name and relationship [the default is landlady, as is now traditional in these games 😂].


Uhm, why the android link had no file in it? It said the file has been deleted.

Changeover period, lol. The Android version's out now 😁

Download - MEGA


This game seems really bad at respecting the content decisions the player makes. Femdom scenes showing up despite having rejected femdom content, NTR scenes showing up despite having rejected NTR, etc.

What's more, the game doesn't allow you to reject content in advance, so it's often the case that by the time you're able to reject a type of content, you've already been subjected to it.

The game has a lot of potential, but it needs to get its content preference system sorted out.


I have a few questions 1 In future updates will we be able to choose a section via our actions or stats?

2 Is there going to be a Star Ship Troopers style training arc  or  montage?

3 Does sarge follow Corp directive 5796? which states 'No officer above the rank of mess sergeant is permitted to go into combat with pierced nipples.  see link for source


Hey Freesabre! Good questions:

1. Yes - the next update [v0.3.8] will be a season finale to Phase 1. After that, you'll be training for a Branch for the whole of Phase 2 [earning stats through unique and chooseable missions.

2. Yes - some of those will be montage-style. I do like a good musical montage 😂

3. No... Sarge's fascistic tendencies stop short at body-piercing. She's all in favour of those. She is a major proponent of Directive 349, though. 'Any officer found to have been slaughtered and replaced by a shape-changing chameleonic life form shall forfeit all pension rights.'

Every time I try to download this game, it freezes my computer.


When is the next update? 😊😊

Coming out on Patreon this weekend! 😁


Might have to up my membership level, lol


Hi Ranli, first of all I would like to say thanks for the good ever game. You doin' great mates. I love the game so much but also sorry becoz a poor guy can access to dominant you on patron. But if you wanna translate your game to Vietnamese, maybe I could send a help on it. Thanks for the game.

Apologies for the late reply, haota! Thanks for your very kind offer - but I'm not currently planning any other translations.


Ranli, sorry to keep bothering you but I can't DM you in twitter for some reason Dx

I'll DM you there 😀


The music choices in this game are my favorite part.

That haunting cover of "Every Step You Take," the bluegrass versions of songs like "Take On Me," even that acapella song during the church flashback scene, all excellent, excellent music.


Cheers, red! I do love my music... and I have eclectic tastes!

Hey Ranli are you there!  Sorry for the delay, the last couple of months were... rough, the first chapter is ready, all 4076 lines I honestly can't express how much respect I have for you right now... tell me how do I send it to you please...

Hey DnAJG! Wow - that's great 😁 Sorry to hear you've had a rough time.

If you DM me on Twitter I can give you details of how to send me the translation: RanliLabz (@RanliLabz) / Twitter

Got it and thanks for being patient, I recently got back my twitter let me send u a message and again I´m so sorry for the delay


Soo slight problem seems like I can't DM you  in twitter so Im gonna follow you and tweet you a message and then you tell me what to do xD

How do I download Android on Mega I'm confused 🤔


Download mega app from play store.

Go to download now on your browser> select apk version.

On the next page, go to options on your browser and select open in app.

It will open the mega app and you will be prompted to download the file.

Ok so like I completely said screw Anna a long time ago so like I can't even do the new route I automatically get ending 3. Is there like a video of some playing it and getting the other endings because i refuse to start over.

Is there any way to download this game on MAC without downloading and creating a MEGA profile? I'd appreciate it.


You don't need to download mega to download from it. and making an account would take like 5 seconds

(2 edits)

I am unable to download the game. Mega reaches a download limit and i need to wait several hours. Would it be possible to host it on another platform?

Here's the Google link: SpaceCorpsXXX(v0.3.7)-v0.3.7-pc.rar - Google Drive

The Google for the latest Public Release is always freely available on my Patreon, btw... Just takes a bit of scrolling sometimes!

Is the Season Finale the finale of Season 1 or the end of the entire game? Really hoping it is the former and not the latter. I am enjoying the game too much to want it to end so soon.


Thanks Andrew! Yes - the game is planned as 3 Seasons, and the upcoming season finale is just the end of Season 1 😁


Any chance that we will have the option to change our hairstyles to something similar to the ones that appear before getting our hair back after being bald?


Any possibility that the main character will get to have  body hair at some point as well?? LiLike any chancean option in the game could be deciding how your hair goes after you gget the shot to grow it back? I 

There will be times that your hair/body hair will change throughout the game. It won't be customisable, though [or I'd have to make double the amount of renders per change].

Where is the scene where he is doing pull up 😭😭

Its at the very end

the end was he was talking to his friends tho

visit cis

The main character is so hot xd



It was like the best game so much choice here u can almost do anything, but i have a question why i cant  see some character in virtual stable? And why it said "image clock not found"?


Thanks Xiggle! I'm still doing a bit of work on the Virtual Stable - but it should all be set up for the next update 😁


thx for the answer, also cant wait for the next update ❤️❤️




Many thanks, Kevin! 😁

Hi RanliLabs! Is there a date of the next update ? HAHAHHA I mean Im not rushing you, I'm just asking HAHAHA

(1 edit) (+2)

I love how commited this game is to it's silly world. And just like that it somehow managed to top pretty much any other related games - even the ones without genitals - I've seen around here when it comes to building an organic world with a loveable + f*ckable cast of characters.
You are obviously in love with it, and it shows. The progress during the last year is remarkable. I really hope whatever keeps you going stays with you until you are done!


Here here!


Thanks Smalltown! 😁 I really appreciate that... especially since I was just in the middle of panicking over the amount of code fixes I have to do this month, and your words reminded me that there's no reason to get stressed when you're doing what you love 😊

after i read positive feedbacks  i donwloaded it asap but how come i cant view it on windows10?

You can play the game on Windows 10, Scorpionous [I make it on Windows 10!] Make sure that you downloaded the right version [the PC one]

yes thats what i downloaded. when i open it, it opens this traceback note. 

"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred."

While running game code:

ScriptError: Name (u'/home/tom/ab/renpy/renpy/common/000atl.rpy', 1504313599, 0) is defined twice, at renpy/common/000atl.rpy:25 and game/all-men-are-pigs/AMAPdemo-v1-win/renpy/common/000atl.rpyc:25.


It looks like you've extracted the game into another game file [All Men are Pigs is a completely different game to SpaceCorps]. Make sure you extract your games into fresh folders.

Got it fixed.. extracted on a new folder away from the other novels. Anyway, long wait is worth it.. like how the game goes. i enjoy the cloud! lol

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks Mad World, and welcome to the Patreon crew! 😊

So the game crashed on my Android and won't install now, just thought I'd let you know there's an issue and see if there's a way to fix it.

What phase will get me out of the ship and on a alien planet with more aliens and robots?

More of that kind of thing in Phase 2 [that's going to have a lot of missions to help you build stats, including away missions].

can i play as a dominant character?

As a cadet, you're currently bottom of the pile. However, as time goes on you'll be able to become more dominant [you'll see hints of it in the brig scene with Krathi and the Dom route with Cole].


This game is really good, if u ever going to finish it I will pay it even like a AAA lol


Thanks Simon! 😁


Rani I have a doubt, I refused Cis every opportunity I had, I only went up to her bunk because I wanted to see the scenes with Felix, but still that ending happened, my doubt is that the only ending or is there others and I did something wrong because I definitely wouldn't have seen that one and by the way do you have or in the future will you be able to block heterosexual scenes too?


Hey CIBK 😀 Yes, that was a game design error on my part - in the next update it will be fixed [in the same manner as the other bunk scenes] to add an option to avoid the sex scene in that sequence. Apologies!

What is the password of the tablet?


That's a Patron-only code, Rttuj [Ensign+ Tiers]

You can get it here: RanliLabz is creating SpaceCorps XXX, the Adult Scifi Comedy. Play Straight, Bi or Gay | Patreon

Really enjoy the game! Are we gonna get some more Kex action in the future? And maybe some of the weird glasses girl and HanZi

(1 edit)

I will just have a quick question ...

Why is there no real gay sex? - there are a few little things, but nothing very interesting ... (yet I had paid for the game in Patreon, for some time already ...)

And as the female body repels me to the highest point ... 

I am still left with the feeling of having been financially exploited by crooks ... 

Frankly I would have preferred to buy two packs of cigarettes instead ...

There is plenty of optional gay sex in SpaceCorps, including in this update.



I'm going to replay the game, maybe it's me who hasn't done the right thing yet ...


I haven't played for a year (I'm trying to download the game rn, but my computer is trying to get me to throw it across the room in frustration lol)
but I think what JohnEP means by "no real gay sex"

if you remove
- all the encounters the protagonist was "forcedinto canonically (raped in the prison cells, grinding with the hairdresser, etc)
- All scenes the protagonist didn't believe was "real" (the hellscape dreamworld, the digital computer landscape, telepathic sexual encounters, sexual encounters that were wiped from protagonists memory)
- All sexual actions that the protagonist didn't personally actually participate in (fantasies, other peoples memories, telepathic encounters, watching other people)

then that leaves only four gay scenes that I know about.
Android handjob, purple guy blowjob, mutual handjob, and the bunk visit.

But there's more.
Some people may not consider sexual actions with an android as "real sex"
And lots of people don't even consider handjobs and blowjobs as "real sex", either.
Taking those extremes into account, then to some people, there are no "real" gay sex scenes.

The protagonist is only on what, day 2? For a guy from such a chaste background, who is really dumb and didn't know he liked guys in a sexual way, from a canonical point of view, it makes total sense.

I am personally happy with this games gay content. 
But I can understand why other people may not consider the majority of the gay scenes as "real".


Just the other day I became a Patreon, so that I could vote on content and enjoy some more man-on-man action.

Not a fan of lady parts either but a well placed thumb on the screen takes care of that XD


Thanks ScotBear, and glad to have you onboard 😁 [thumbs and all, lol]

Is Cole ever going to end up like stealing any of your penis size at some point or is he always just gonna be tiny tiny


No, you'll be able to increase him if you like! You will not permanently change penis size, but I do want some sequences where you either shrink or grow!


This game is a hell of a lot of fun to play, thank you.  I am thoroughly enjoying the variety of paths you have created.  The obvious parody nature for so much of it is a nice touch.  My only problem is that in spite of keeping an eye open for it, I seem to have missed when v.0.3.6 was released, and now I am missing files.  Is there anywhere I can go to get that build? 

I look forward to where this story goes.

Thanks zerochuklz! v0.3.7 actually contains all current files, so you won't need earlier builds to play 😃

That is what I expected to find but I am getting errors about missing folders and files, and when I browse the image folder, it is missing some folders.  I looked at what is showing in .3.7 and the folders aren't there either.  The game plays, but all I get is a black screen with an error message in the top left saying image not found.  Specifically the images for speaking with your sister in her bunk.  The text is there, but none of the images (nor is Cole's present).  These are folders that should be under the bunk01 subfolder.

Sounds like a bad download, zero - or possibly that you extracted the new update into the file of the old game?


You were right with the first one.  I downloaded the file again from F95, and I noticed this one had a slight difference in the name, and was smaller.  But once it was down, I examined the contents of the compressed file and all the missing files were there.  Whoever uploaded the other one to piratebay, must have either uploaded an incomplete version or for a different platform.    Thanks for the replies though, I appreciate the assistance.

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